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Cut the Time Spent on Payroll in Half With QuickBooks Time Clock

Streamlines your payroll process so you never have to worry about inaccurate timesheet data again with Quickbooks Time Clock

  • Get accurate employee timesheets
  • Save up to 8% on labor costs
  • Easy to set up
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Trusted by more than 9,500 companies and over 100,000 field service and construction professionals worldwide.

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Powerful QuickBooks Time Clock Integration

Our QuickBooks time clock can help you do just that. ClockShark has a two-way integration with QuickBooks Online and the desktop versions so all of the data from both systems are available right where you need it. Running payroll, job costing and time tracking just got faster and easier. Now you can spend your extra time on something else. Lawn darts, perhaps?

Easily Import Payroll Information to Your Time Tracking

ClockShark’s integration goes both ways, so your Customers, Jobs, Service Items and Employee in QuickBooks imports automatically so you can track time against them. Any new information added to QuickBooks get pulled over, too. Is there a QuickBooks time clock? Yep - it’s called ClockShark.

 QuickBooks Time Clock

Get Employees Up and Running With Quickbooks Integration With No Training

Setting up the QuickBooks Time Clock integration is easy and our five-star rated customer support team can help you out. Once done, the whole thing goes on autopilot. New data goes back and forth between the systems and keeps everything up to date. Automation anyone?

clockshark and quickbooks integration

Easily Export Timesheet Data to Your Payroll Software

The ClockShark app allow employees to easily track time in the field. That data gets sent to the cloud so it can be viewed and edited if need be. Then with the push of a single button, all that data flows right into QuickBooks for payroll and job costing. Yep, you read that right - start to finish with no data entry.

QuickBooks Time Clock

Get Job Costing Done With Just One Click

ClockShark sends employee timesheet entries into QuickBooks automatically. If you use QBO or QBD, job costing only takes one click. ClockShark will enter the Customer, Job, Service and Payroll Items so the only thing left to do is hit the button. If only everything was this easy!

QuickBooks Time Clock

No More Innacurate Employee Timesheet Data

One of the biggest sources of data errors is making mistakes when entering data. The worst part of data errors is the time it takes to sort them out - if QuickBooks says one thing, but your time tracking software says something else, which one is right? None of that is a problem with ClockShark's QuickBooks Time Clock. The integrations keep everything nice and tidy without the need for repetitive data entry. You now have one less thing to worry about!

 QuickBooks Time Clock

Get Amazing Free Support With Clockshark

We have certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors on staff that you can chat, email or call whenever you need help. Did we mention it's free? No support packages to buy or limited access ceilings. Our support is standing by to help you whenever you need it.

 QuickBooks Time Clock
ClockShark has met the needs of my company, from the moment we turned on our free trial. Payroll is a breeze, and the GPS, "Who's Working Now" feature, not only provides us with an up-to-date location, on each of our employees, but my crew is using it, to reach out to the closest team member, when they need additional support!
- Thomas W
Capterra Logo

9,500+ companies use ClockShark to track employees and save time every month.

Get Started Free

No credit card required.

File attachments icon

File Attachments

Share photos, files, or job notes between the office and the field with file attachments.

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Job Management Icon

Job Management

Store a record of documents, conversations, and status updates for every job with job management.

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Time Off Icon

Time Off

Build custom sick and vacation policies and assign employees; time will accrue automatically to each pay period.

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Customers Icon


Organize every contact, note, file, and conversation about your customers and maintain a smooth workflow for each project.

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Job Costing Icon

Job Costing

Manage job-related time and expenses throughout the life cycle of a project.

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Clock Out Questions Icon

Clock Out Questions

Get important information from your team in the field when they clock out, and receive timely notifications of unexpected responses.

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