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Customer Success Story
Talbot Painting, Inc. Logo

Talbot Painting

How Talbot Painting Slashes Time Spent on the Job!

Company Size

“I can’t believe I spent so much time on timesheets and payroll.”

- Amy J., Office Administrator at Talbot Painting
saved weekly on timesheets
saved monthly on payroll
now spent on payroll

50 Years of Loving Their Customers And Jobs

After 50 years of business, Talbot Painting has learned what it takes to conduct good business: understanding their customers' needs, guaranteeing quality work, and simply being upstanding members of their community. Not only do they love their customers, they love the work they do.

“Two of our painters have been with us for 20 years. I absolutely love my job and our customers.”

What more can you ask for?

The Clunky Transition Into The Wrong Time Tracking Solution

Amy J., office admin explains her experience with another popular time tracking solution.

“It was complicated, clunky, and time consuming. It was not a seamless transition at all! I still spent an entire Wednesday on payroll each week.”

They still had hours worth of manual entry and adjustments despite having implemented what they believed to be the right electronic time tracking. She can’t believe she spent a whopping 28 hours a month on payroll!

“The employees didn't even like it. There were too many errors out on the field and it was too time consuming. We’re a busy company and we need all the time to be productive”.

A Perfect Finish to a Rocky Start

When they found ClockShark, it all made sense.

“ClockShark is built for construction and it shows. They understand time is money and jobs have deadlines.” From spending seven hours a week on payroll to one, Amy is not only saving time, but money.

With the Pro Plan, the customer management allows them to better handle their jobs and stay organized for their clients. They also fully utilize the clock out questions for compliance processes.

“We ask them questions like “did you get hurt today?” and they know exactly what to do and we get the answers we need without any extra effort.”

Changing from the wrong electronic time tracking solution to the right one made all the difference.

9,500+ companies use ClockShark to track employees and save time every month.

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