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Sage Time Tracking Integration

Sage Time Tracking Integration

Keep time on your side with two powerful construction products working together

  • Get accurate job costing
  • Export tmesheet with just a few clicks
  • Cut time spent on payroll in half
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Sage Time Tracking Integration

Trusted by more than 9,500 companies and over 100,000 field service and construction professionals worldwide.

PuroClean Logo
Extreme Janitors Logo
Martorano Construction Logo
Urban Design Solar Logo
Allied Electric Logo
CertaPro Painters Logo
Santa Barbara Forge Logo

Track Time Directly From the Field and Export It Right Into Sage 100 Contractor

The most valuable resource on any construction project is time. You need to ensure that the project is profitably finishing on time. Enter Sage 100 Contractor. But you also need to know that employees’ timesheets are accurate and error-free. Enter ClockShark. Combining ClockShark and Sage Time Tracking Integration together allows you to track time directly from the field and export it directly to your Sage 100 account for job costing, billing, and payroll. Oh, the time you’ll save!

Sync Hours Worked With Tasks and Jobs Completed

As construction firms grow, so, too, do the complexities related to managing the business. Sage 100 Contractor provides the easiest access to critical job cost and project information to help you manage your business operations more effectively.

Sage and ClockShark Mappings

Accurate Timesheets That Push Right Into Sage 100

At your job site, every second counts. Toward payroll. Toward invoicing. Toward something. That’s why ClockShark provides accurate, down-to-the-second time tracking that includes job and task information. But that’s not the best part. You can export these timesheets straight into Sage 100 Contractor for payroll. Not a second is lost!

Accurate Timesheet With Sage Time Tracking

Automatically Populate ClockShark with Your Sage Clients

So nice, you entered it...once. That’s right. ClockShark seamlessly syncs with your employees, cost codes, and jobs. You can also create jobs in Sage and import them into ClockShark. Your employees can immediately start clocking time on jobs that you’re already working, while you avoid the hassle and mistakes of tedious data entry.

Automated Sage Time Tracking for Accurate Timesheet

Fast & Easy Payroll, Invoicing, and Job Costing

Why is ClockShark perfect for Sage 100 Contractor? Because both are built for construction companies. They understand each other. They finish each other's…okay, you get the idea. ClockShark’s detailed timesheets make it easy to drill-down into the specifics of any project, just like you do in Sage 100. Payroll, reporting, and other administrative tasks remain quick, easy, and (most importantly) thorough when you use ClockShark alongside Sage 100 Contractor. The ClockShark and Sage Time Tracking Integration requires a $60/month connector fee.

Premier Customer Support for Anytime Help

You needed this integration yesterday, so how can you get set up right now? What if you have questions along the way? ClockShark proudly boasts a 5-Star Customer Success team that is expertly familiar with ClockShark and Sage Time Tracking Integration. You’ll enjoy fast and friendly help as you set-up your integration, and you’ll never be more than a phone call away from live-person support anytime you need it. Your success is important to us!

ClockShark Customer Support Team
I love ClockShark. They are always on top of their customer service and I feel cared for and valued as a customer any time I come to them with any questions or concerns whatsoever. I have never seen this level of customer support from any other company, which only reinforces our decision to go with them in the first place! It was exactly what we needed and were looking for!
- Haley L.
Capterra Logo

9,500+ companies use ClockShark to track employees and save time every month.

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File attachments icon

File Attachments

Share photos, files, or job notes between the office and the field with file attachments.

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Time Off Icon

Time Off

Build custom sick and vacation policies and assign employees; time will accrue automatically to each pay period.

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Clock Out Questions Icon

Clock Out Questions

Get important information from your team in the field when they clock out, and receive timely notifications of unexpected responses.

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Job Management Icon

Job Management

Store a record of documents, conversations, and status updates for every job with job management.

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Job Costing Icon

Job Costing

Manage job-related time and expenses throughout the life cycle of a project.

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Customers Icon


Organize every contact, note, file, and conversation about your customers and maintain a smooth workflow for each project.

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