Zapier’s integration with ClockShark means workflow automation and smoother workdays.
But what is Zapier? How does it work?
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a leading workflow automation tool. It allows users to “zap” tedious daily operations and automate their business processes. A zap is a series of events, each event triggering another event to happen.
Do you know the domino effect? That’s how Zapier works. In this case, though, your dominos are the software programs critical to your business operations. Think Gmail, or ClockShark’s payroll and timekeeping programs.
Zapier connects what keeps your business running, making sure each domino falls exactly where it should and correctly starts the next domino’s action. The first domino in the lineup that falls is called a trigger. A trigger is the first event in a zap, the thing that causes actions to happen. That action causes the next action, which causes the next action, and so on.
ClockShark and Zapier Integration: A Match Made in Automation Heaven
ClockShark is the number one time tracking app for construction and field service. ClockShark and Zapier integration mean automated workflow, eliminating tedious tasks you find yourself doing every day.

There’s a Zap for that
Let ClockShark do the heavy lifting for you with pre-built workflows, or get creative and arrange your high-tech dominos to fall in a way tailored exactly to your business needs.
For example, if you use Google Sheets to keep track of your construction clients, chances are you’ve entered job names more than once. Zapier eliminates the time spent on repetitive tasks with customizable workflows. Now, adding a new job in Google Sheets triggers a ‘zap’ and ClockShark automatically creates a new job.
Zapier also allows you to modify existing business processes and try out new things. Need to know where your employees are during the day? Why not configure your dominos to send you an email alert every time an employee clocks in? There’s a zap for that. Zapier lets users arrange for email alerts each time ClockShark logs a new clock-in.
Pre-built or built from scratch-- either way, leaving tedious manual tasks in the past will save your business real dollars and cents. Automated payroll, accounting, and timekeeping mean more time spent on the things that drive your business forward.
So, What are you waiting for?
When it comes to custom workflow creation, the sky is the limit with ClockShark and Zapier. If you can dream it, odds are ClockShark and Zaiper can do it. The best part? Zapier accounts are free to start, and you can upgrade at any time to receive access to even more features.
If you’re ready to experience the domino effect, get started with Zapier here. Free integration, a free Zaiper account, and freedom from tedious daily to-do lists. What are you waiting for?
Give yourself the gift of time. Get started using Zapier with ClockShark today.